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General Terms

Welcome to 3ablock.com

The following Terms & Conditions regulate the sale of products to individuals and legal entities (referred hereinafter as “client” or “you”) by “3A STEEL” Ltd., UIC: 175447571 (referred hereinafter as “the company”, “we” or “us”) – a company dedicated to producing concrete moulds for its clients with very well developed and highly advanced manufacturing base. The Terms & Conditions also stipulate the access to the website 3ablock.com (hereinafter referred to as “the website”), which is an exclusive property of “3A STEEL” Ltd.

The following Terms & Conditions govern the commercial deals between “3A STEEL” Ltd and its clients. As long as the latter are merchants by profession, the rules for consumer protection shall not apply.

Ι. Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions

In order to use the services of “3A STEEL” Ltd and the website, you must first accept the following Terms & Conditions. By providing your agreement, you commit to comply with our terms of sale and use of the website.

ΙΙ. Amendments of the Terms and Conditions

“3A STEEL” Ltd has the right to amend the Terms & Conditions at any time without giving prior notice. This may be done for different purposes, such as compliance with legislative amendments or other requirements of legal and technical manner. In such cases the changes in the Terms & Conditions will take place without notification and their final version will be published on the website.

III. Intellectual Property Rights

The website and its content, including text displays, logos, trademarks and images are protected by copyright and other IP rights. You cannot copy, download or distribute by any means and in any form the protected content of the website. You cannot obstruct the functionality of the website. The malicious intervention by any technical or other means is prohibited.

The trademarks designated on “3A STEEL” Ltd products, as well as all the respective trademarks, designs, sketches and other similar documents related to the company products are property of “3A STEEL” Ltd and without the prior written consent of the company cannot be used for any other purpose than for the one they were provided. “3A STEEL” Ltd may request you to give all products and respective documents back in case of an infringement, as well as to claim damages and initiate judicial proceedings.   

IV. Orders and sales contract

You can make your orders for “3A STEEL” Ltd products via the website or by the company official email, provided on the website. Please note that no order shall be binding for “3A STEEL” Ltd unless explicitly confirmed and accepted by the company in writing (by email or other means of communication).

All sales contracts are governed by the following Terms & Conditions, the Bulgarian law and the applicable EU legislation. These contracts enter into force on the date “3A STEEL” Ltd confirms and accepts in writing your order based on our completed offer. Any amendments of the sales contracts shall be made only in writing after the prior consent of the parties.

You cannot unilaterally make changes in your orders once its terms have been accepted by “3A STEEL” Ltd unless the company agrees on such changes. For this purpose, you have to notify us in a timely manner for the changes you are willing to make. If we cannot meet the new requirements due to the lack of enough given time or another reason of technical or other manner, “3A STEEL” Ltd has the right to reject the changes in your order, for which you will be duly notified.  

Payments and invoicing

All the prices of “3A STEEL” Ltd products are exclusive of VAT, freight, insurance, installation and other costs, unless expressly specified to the contrary. All the prices of the products provided on the website may be altered by “3A STEEL” Ltd without prior notice.

The prices you have to pay are the ones stipulated in the order confirmation provided by “3A STEEL” Ltd. The currency shall be the one mentioned in the order confirmation.

After we receive your order we will contact you to specify the logistic details incl. the delivery address for the purpose of calculating transport and other related costs. After that we shall give you our completed offer. Upon your approval we shall issue an invoice/proforma.  

The payment is due within 14 days upon the relevant invoice is issued. The payment is due in full unless otherwise stipulated in writing by the Parties. Please note that we reserve the right to terminate the sales contract or postpone delivery in case you have pending payments on prior orders, fail to accept the delivery of the goods, or become insolvent or bankrupt.    

VI. Delivery

The delivery of the products shall take place after the relevant invoice is paid in full unless otherwise agreed by the parties. Please note that all delivery periods are set with approximation in the accepted offer and although “3A STEEL” Ltd always makes all necessary efforts to deliver the products on time, delays might occur due to force major and other circumstances. In such cases the company shall not be considered in delay to fulfil its contract obligations and you cannot claim damages and losses.

In case above mentioned unfortunate circumstances occur and “3A STEEL” Ltd cannot deliver the products on time, we can extend the necessary time limit to fulfil our obligations. In this case you will be duly notified for the reasons of the delay and the new delivery dates. All Incoterms[1] rules and regulations apply for the delivery of the products.

VII. Client supervision

In your capacity of our client, you are entitled to supervise our products and to asses their quality. If you wish to do so, you have to give us a prior notice of the time and date you intend to visit us. In case the visitation incurs additional costs, they will be accounted on you. In case you fail to show up on the agreed date and time, you cannot claim defects and imperfections on the products afterwards.

You can also supervise our products by simply ordering a sample which will be send to a location designated by you and at your costs.

VIII. Default and Force majeure

You are in default if you fail to fulfil on time any of your payment or other obligations under the following Terms & Conditions and the Sales contract.

In all cases of force majeure, “3A STEEL” Ltd shall bear no responsibility and shall be excluded from any contractual obligations during the force majeure situation. If the latter continues for a period which makes fulfilling the delivery impossible or very hard, “3A STEEL” Ltd has the right to annul the contract or to reduce the initial stipulated quantity. In such cases, you are not entitled to claim any damages or losses which may have arisen.   

The force majeure circumstances shall be governed by all applicable Bulgarian and EU regulations.

IX. Risk and Ownership

All the risks of loss, damages or other similar incidents shall pass on you upon the delivery of the goods.

Until the price is paid in full, all legal ownership of the goods shall remain with “3A STEEL” Ltd. We have the right to recover our products from you if the latter are delivered and you have not fulfilled your obligations for payment in full. 

X. Warranties

You can make claims for defects in our products within thirty days of the delivery date. After this period expires, you cannot make claims or complaints and hold “3A STEEL” Ltd responsible for defects or imperfections. Any such claims made after the said period shall be deemed waived. In case of a defect, claimed within the said period, “3A STEEL” Ltd has the right to choose either to replace the defective product or to refund it.

Any damages caused during the transportation of the products must be reported within two business days of receipt of the goods along with pictures and other relevant proof showing the state of the products.

“3A STEEL” Ltd shall not be responsible for any claims made by third parties in connection with the goods delivered under this contract as well as for a damages and losses incl. loss of profit caused by you or third party due to inadequate use of the delivered goods.

If you have not fulfilled your obligations under the sales contract, you cannot hold “3A STEEL” Ltd liable for any damages or losses caused by the products, nor claim defects upon delivery.   

XI. Acceptable variations

“3A STEEL” Ltd gives its best efforts to make the products exactly like the original order. Regardless, there might be some minor discrepancies which in no way shall effect the quality of the product. Any such minor variations are acceptable and shall not be ground for rejection of the delivery, refusal of payment or claim for damages. Please note that all sizes references are approximate and may vary depending on the products.

XII. Jurisdiction and applicable law

The following Terms and Conditions will be governed by the laws of Bulgaria and the EU.

Any disputes that may arise with regard to the following Terms and Conditions will be resolved by the competent Bulgarian court in accordance with the Bulgarian legislation.

XIII. Others

“3A STEEL” Ltd engages to provide only the services presented in the website in the respective manner and fashion. All the provided information on the website, incl. but not limited to design, present quantities, prices and location of the products is valid to the date it is presented and 3A Steel has the right to change it at any given time.

You have the responsibility to check the Terms & Conditions for using the website as well as the presented information for prices, present quantities and etc. so you can be timely informed in case changes occur.

“3A STEEL” Ltd has the right to block the access to the website for all malicious users who violate the following terms of use.     


[1] The set of internationally recognized rules which defined the responsibilities of sellers and buyers published by the International Chamber of Commerce with the latest edition concerning the term free carrier (FCA) - named place of delivery.